Android Frequently Asked Questions

16. How do I update the settings for this app?

  • If needed tap the button, then tap "Settings".

  • Or tap the menu button in the upper right corner, then tap the "Settings" menu item.

17. How do I update the format of the date?

  1. Access the Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Date and Time Format" section.

  3. Tap the "Date" drop down list.

  4. Tap the row with format you would prefer.

    Updated format:

If you don't see the format you would like, please contact us and we will try to add it in a future update.

18. How do I update the format of the time?

  1. Access the Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Date and Time Format" section.

  3. Tap the "Time" drop down list.

  4. Tap the row with format you would prefer.

    Updated format:

If you don't see the format you would like, please contact us and we will try to add it in a future update.

19. How do I update the sequence of the date and time?

  1. Access the Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Date and Time Format" section.

  3. Tap the "Combined" drop down list.

  4. Tap the row with format you would prefer.

    Updated format:

20. How do I change how the existing readings are grouped?

  1. Access the Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Historical View" section.

  3. Tap the "Group By" drop down list.

  4. Tap the row with grouping you would prefer

    Updated grouping:

If you don't see the grouping you would like, please contact us and we will try to add it in a future update.